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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Pokemon Snap System : Nintendo Wii Date Added : 2008-04-30 10:07:28 Views : 27732 Course High Scores In course 7, take a picture of mew (once its shield is gone), and show it to Oak. When you resume your game, the high scores will be unlocked. Rainbow Cloud Stage Find and photograph all six of the Pokemon Signs The Cave Stage Cruise near to the end and you will find a brown wall and a switch to your right when you close in on the exit. if you look closely, you will see a Porygon rustling in chameleon form in the wall. Hit him with a pester ball and you can unlock the Cave. Dash Engine Unlocked when your pokemon report totals 175,000 points. Apple Unlocked when your pokemon report totals 14,000 points. Poke Flute Unlocked after you submit your first pokemon sign to Oak (after meeting him at his shack). Pester Ball Unlocked when your pokemon report totals 75,000 points. Volcano Stage Throw an apple/pester ball at the electrode near the end of the Tunnel Stage Different credits Here's how to see different credits then the ones when you photograph Mew! All you have to do is finish your Pokemon Report, then Prof. Oak will congratulate you. Voila! Different credits you'll only see once! Cave Stage Towards the end of the River Stage, there is a Porygon in the dirt besides a switch, throw a pester ball to flush it out. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Pokemon Snap cheat codes.
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